New Beginning -Karis
Thursday, June 4, 1998 at 4:19pm EST
Welp, with the new move, feels like the site just re-opened. I want to supply everyone with want they
want, so I'll need your feedback. Please take some time and leave comments in my guestbook
along with suggestions you would like on the site. Remember, I go through all of them so your message
will be heard.
Movin' On Up! (sorta) -Karis
Thursday, June 4, 1998 at 11:21am EST
I just checked out Tripod, another free hosting service, and there
like 100 times better then Geocities! They give more space, sub-directories (Personal Fav), SHORTER URL (WOOOO!),
but one draw back is it is a little slower. But that's probaly because everyone knows it better and
joined them =] So in a couple days, I'm moving Lacey Online over to Tripod,
and my new URL will be!
After the move is done, I'll leave a message here telling we've moved.
Our Chatroom Is Online! -Karis
Wendnesday, June 3, 1998 at 7:34pm EST
A special thanks to TType84, Lacey Online now has a chatroom on mIRC. It's called #laceychat,
on DALnet. If you don't have mIRC, get it now!
First Interview Is Up! -Karis
Wendnesday, June 3, 1998 at 3:06pm EST
Starting to get a little dizzy, 5 straight hours of HTML, ARGH! Anyways, it pays off, I present
to you the interviews section! And kicking off this opening, I have
the PEOPLE'S CHAT/Yahoo Chat with Lacey Chabert, check it out and enjoy =]
More Pictures! -Karis
Wendnesday, June 3, 1998 at 10:34am EST
The multimedia page began to look a little empty, so I shoved in there
7 more pictures, enjoy.
FAQ Done -Karis
Tuesday, June 2, 1998 at 10:49pm EST
I've assembled the Faq, covering most questions I can think of right
now. If you have any ideas for an addition to the Faq, email suggestions
Little Help Please -Karis
Tuesday, June 2, 1998 at 4:45pm EST
As this site get's bigger and bigger, I sometimes forget or leave out some codes(tags), and that's
where broken links and images start popping up. If you ever encounter something wrong with the site,
please email at and let me know where the
problem is. Thanks, this will help alot!
One More Section Up! -Karis
Tuesday, June 2, 1998 at 4:20pm EST
Just got done making the Articles section, along with one article
so it isn't empty. After the rest of the site gets some content put into it, I'll go back through
all the sections and add more stuff.
Multimedia Section Open -Karis
Monday, June 1, 1998 at 9:14pm EST
It's kinda bare, but there's a picture or two in there. I just wanted to get it out of the way, it's
a lot easier on me. Sooner or later, I'm going to add more pictures, movies (If space allows), and sounds
to the Multimedia section. Once again, enjoy.
Bio Section Done! -Karis
Monday, June 1, 1998 at 8:28pm EST
After much pai... After much delight, I've finished the Bio section
of my humble home(page). Check it out and read up on Lacey's past, and keep checkin' back for more
stuff at Lacey Online!
Coming Soon... -Karis
Saturday, May 30, 1998 at 8:49pm EST
Sorry, not much in the typing mood, this news update used to have a nice big paragraph. BUT
I DELETED IT LIKE AN IDIOT! Anyways, enjoy what's here on the site right now and don't forget
to check back for more stuff.